logo Action Health Solutions, LLC
We offer on-site health screenings and clinical testings.


Action Health Solutions offers a comprehensive employee health promotion program that focuses on the most crucial needs of the organization as a way of preventing a rise in costs and restoring the productivity and health of the staff, as well as integrating employee wellness. A health assessment and survey of employees will be conducted periodically to ensure that services provided target the most crucial health needs identified. A strategic plan will be presented to management regarding the intended goals and direction of the program.



More than 30 years, performing physical exams, collecting lab specimens, conducting health fairs and educating patients on wellness and promoting healthier lifestyles.


  • CPR Certified
  • ACLS Certified
    (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
  • RN, Registered Nurses
  • HE, Health Educators
  • LPN, Licensed Practical Nurses
  • MA, Medical Assistants

Our staff are trained to provide important health screenings. A biometric screening is a short assessment to obtain your health information. The information collected includes blood pressure, cholesterol levels, glucose (blood sugar) levels, and Body Mass Index (BMI). If your health indicators fall outside of a good range, it may be the first warning sign you receive informing you of a potential health risk or problem. Finding these warning signs early gives you the opportunity for proactive treatment options and lifestyle changes. Your health is important to us, which is why Action Health Solutions is pleased to offer wellness coaching, biometric screenings, including cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and BMI.